About ANTF's MyPerion Platform

ANTF's New MyPerion Platform delivers State of The Art MultiFile Integration and communication and Security features, powerful an ultra fast and powerful GPU rendering, and almost total portability. The platform was launched in 2017 and is our new flagship Dot Net Based Framework. It will now be in virtually all new software's and virtual operating system environments.

Known Clan Platform Speed GPU Render CTP20 S. Security Stability Portability Source
ANTF's MyPerion Platform Yes Yes Yes 512MS Excellent Yes Somewhat Open
ANTF's Celedon Platform Yes Yes Yes+.10MS Excellent Yes Somewhat Open
 ANTF Next Platform  Yes Yes Yes Great Yes Somewhat Open
Enjin Web Render Yes No Yes Ok Yes Closed Source
GCI Platform No Yes Yes Great Yes Open Source
XCFW No No No Good No Somewhat Open
XCSC Yes No No Ok No Somewhat Open


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